Which Coal is Best : The Best Quality of Coal

Which Coal is Best Quality

In today’s article we will tell you about which coal is best quality, how many types of coal are there and which type is used to generate electricity and where is which type used.

Agromer, as a reliable coal supplier have proper idea of varying types of coal in the market to fulfill certain needs for various industries. There are many factors that need to be considered when it comes to determining the best type of coal – how energy efficient is it, what environmental impact does this bring and can this burn at a cost-effective level?

The purpose of this blog is to enlighten the international coal buyers as to which type of coal is best. And they should be going for in addition why Indonesian Coal more especially, Anthracite hard coal makes a great material for bulk buying at affordable prices.

Need help in finding the best quality of coal for your company.

Contact a leading Indonesian coal supplier, by filling out the application form.

Then contact us via email or call.

Phone no: + 33 (0)2 47 80 23 78

Email: pthary@agromer.org

Types of Coal

Mainly there are four types of coal. According to the properties, classification each type of coal is divided into four. More about types of Coal, It is classified as per the carbon content, heating value, and kind of applications it supports.


Lignite, also referred to as “brown coal”. It has the lowest percentage of carbon (25-35%), but the most moisture (up to 60%). This makes it the least efficient type of coal. Lignite is primarily utilized in power generation and is known for its poor heating value. Due to its high moisture content, lignite coal produces more greenhouse gasses than other forms of coal. It is most commonly found in areas where other forms of coal are rare. Lignite coal, aka brown coal, is the lowest grade coal with the least concentration of carbon.


Sub-bituminous coal is a step up from lignite in terms of carbon content (35-45%) and energy output. It has a lower moisture content than lignite, which makes it a better fuel for power generation. Sub-bituminous coal is often used in industrial boilers and for electricity generation. While it emits less CO2 than lignite, it is still less energy-efficient compared to higher-grade coals. This type of coal has a higher carbon content than lignite and is used primarily for electricity generation. Subbituminous coal is black in color and dull (not shiny), and has a higher heating value than lignite.


Bituminous coal is the most abundant type of coal, boasting a carbon content of 45-86%. It is widely used in power generation, industrial processes, and residential heating. Bituminous coal is highly versatile and is available in two forms: thermal coal (used for electricity generation) and metallurgical coal (used in steel production). Bituminous coal offers a high energy output and is more efficient than lignite and sub-bituminous coal. However, it does produce more pollutants than anthracite coal. Bituminous coal is a middle rank coal between subbituminous and anthracite. Bituminous usually has a high heating (Btu) value and is the most common type of coal used in electricity generation in the United States. Bituminous coal appears shiny and smooth when you first see it, but look closer and you may see it has layers.

In many countries bituminous coal are used to generate electricity. It is because the carbon quantity of coal is very high and its water quantity is very low. And as you know to the carbon content and the less water we use, the faster it gets heat is generated. Apart from this, coal is also used to generate electricity.


Anthracite coal, often referred to as “hard coal,” is the highest quality and most efficient type of coal available. With a carbon content of 86-97%, anthracite coal burns hotter and cleaner than other types of coal. It has the lowest moisture content and produces minimal smoke and soot, making it ideal for residential heating, industrial processes, and specialized uses like blacksmithing. It is the highest rank of coal. It is a hard, brittle, and black lustrous coal, often called as hard coal, containing a high percentage of fixed carbon and a low percentage of volatile matter. The uppermost grade of coal with the strongest carbon content and energy output. It creates much cleaner flames, which makes it excellent as a domestic heat source and for steel smelting

Which Coal is Best?

Anthracite is the best type of coal. Anthracite hard coal is the perfect choice for international bulk coal buyers who are in need of premium quality. It is especially used in industries that require higher energy efficiency and less emissions of pollutants.

Why Choose Anthracite Coal?

  • Anthracite coal has a higher carbon quantity. Which means it offers more energy per unit than other types of coal. This makes it appropriate for high-efficiency heating applications.
  • Anthracite coal produces less smoke, soot, and other pollutants. Makes it a more environmentally friendly option.
  • Anthracite coal has a longer life since it burns slowly. Which result in cost reductions over time.
  • Anthracite coal is utilized in many different kinds of applications, including household heating and industrial activities. It produces a lot of energy while emitting very little.

If you’re looking for anthracite coal for sale, it’s essential to consider the anthracite coal prices, which can vary depending on factors like location, quality, and market demand.

Phone no: + 33 (0)2 47 80 23 78

Email: pthary@agromer.org

Agromer is the Popular Choice for Bulk Supply

Indonesian coal is one of the most popular on the worldwide market. Indonesia is one of the world’s top coal exporters, and its coal is valued for a variety of reasons. Which we have mentioned below one by one.

1. High Availability and Reliability

Everyone knows that Indonesian coal is abundantly accessible in huge quantities. This makes it a wonderful choice for bulk purchasing. Its wide availability guarantees a continuous supply. Which is extremely important for industrail sectors that rely on continual coal use.

2. Cost-Effectiveness

Due to its large quantity, Indonesian coal has become known for its low cost. Also, due to Indonesia’s very cheap mining & extraction process and shipping costs, it may be marketed at lower rates. You may compare it to coal from other countries locations.
As a result, it is a desirable choice for organizations and industries seeking low-cost and high-quality products.

3. Versatility in Applications

Because of its high quality, Indonesian coal is versatile. It is also suitable for a wide range of applications, including power generation and industrial operations. Its high quality and energy content make it suited for a wide range of applications, guaranteeing that it fits the varying requirements of many industries.

4. Environmental Considerations

Different countries may have coal. But the quality matters in the work and it may not burn as clean. While Indonesian coal is extremely clean burning. It is believed to be of higher grade than anthracite or bituminous coal. Many companies choose Indonesian coal because it has a lower sulfur content and produces fewer emissions than lower-grade coals.

Which Is the Best Quality of Coal?

When it come to find which coal is the best? There are several factors must be considered. Some are carbon content, energy output, emissions, and suitability for the intended application.

1. Carbon Content and Energy Output

Indonesian anthracite coal has the highest level of carbon and produces the most energy. Its high carbon concentration enables it to burn hotter and longer. Ultimately, it produces more energy per ton than other forms of coal. This makes anthracite a good choice for high-efficiency heating. And also for industrial applications that require a high level of energy output.

2. Emissions and Environmental Impact

In terms of emissions, anthracite coal remains the greatest alternative. It creates less smoke and ash, resulting in reduced levels of air pollution. For people concerned about its environmental effect, anthracite is the most environmentally friendly coal in kind.

3. Suitability for Different Applications

The best type of coal for a specific application depends on the intended use:

  • Residential Heating: Anthracite coal is ideal due to its clean-burning properties and high energy output.
  • Power Generation: Bituminous coal is commonly used due to its availability and efficiency, though sub-bituminous coal may be preferred for lower emissions.
  • Industrial Processes: The choice between bituminous and anthracite coal depends on the specific requirements of the process, such as the need for high temperatures or clean burning.

Factors to Consider When Buying Coal

Before buying coal, especially in bulk, there are several factors to consider to ensure you get the best value for your investment.

1. Purpose and Application

Understanding the specific needs of your application will help you determine the best type of coal to purchase. For example, if you need coal for residential heating, anthracite is likely your best option. For power generation or industrial uses, bituminous or Indonesian coal might be more suitable.

2. Quality and Grade

The quality of coal can vary significantly, even within the same type. Look for suppliers who offer high-grade coal that meets your specific requirements. For instance, if you’re purchasing anthracite coal, ensure it has a high carbon content and low impurities.

3. Price and Budget

Coal prices can fluctuate based on market conditions, transportation costs, and demand. While anthracite coal prices are generally higher due to its superior quality, the long-term savings in efficiency and reduced environmental impact can make it a worthwhile investment. Indonesian coal offers a more cost-effective solution if you’re looking to purchase in bulk.

Also read: Current Price of Indonesian Coal

4. Supplier Reputation

Choosing a reputable supplier is crucial to ensure you receive high-quality coal. Research potential suppliers, read customer reviews, and consider their track record in the industry. A reliable supplier will provide consistent quality and fair pricing.

5. Environmental Regulations

Be aware of local environmental regulations that may impact your choice of coal. Some regions have strict emissions standards that could influence whether you choose anthracite, bituminous, or another type of coal. Additionally, consider the potential need for pollution control technologies if you’re using lower-grade coal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Which is the best type of coal for residential heating?

The best type of coal for residential heating is anthracite coal. It burns cleaner, produces more heat, and lasts longer than other types of coal, making it the most efficient and environmentally friendly option for home use.

2. What factors should I consider when buying coal in bulk?

When buying coal in bulk, consider the intended application, the quality of the coal, price, supplier reputation, and local environmental regulations. These factors will help ensure you choose the best type of coal for your needs and get the best value for your investment.

3. Why is Indonesian coal popular for bulk purchases?

Indonesian coal is popular for bulk purchases due to its high availability, competitive pricing, and versatility in various applications. It offers a good balance of quality and cost-effectiveness, making it a preferred choice for many industries.


Choosing the best coal depends on your unique requirements, type and quantity. Whether it’s for home heating, electricity generating, or for commercial purposes. Everyone has its own set of coal requirements. We are in touch with top mining companies in Indonesia. Anthracite coal is the highest-quality solution on the market. It produces a significant quantity of energy and burns cleanly due to high carborn percentage. Indonesian coal is an ideal choice for people searching for a low-cost, high-quality product, particularly when purchased in bulk.

Learning the different kinds of coal and their applications allows you to make an informed choice that fulfills your energy demands while also taking into account environmental impact and financial effectiveness. Whether you are looking for anthracite coal for sale or Indonesian coal, selecting the proper kind and source is critical to increasing efficiency and lowering expenses.

Then contact us via email or call.

Phone no: + 33 (0)2 47 80 23 78

Email: pthary@agromer.org

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